A to Z of Lawn Care: Lawn Care Terms Every Homeowner Should Know

A to Z of Lawn Care: Lawn Care Terms Every Homeowner Should Know - My Store

Ever felt lost in lawn care jargon? Our Ultimate Lawn Care Glossary is here to clear the confusion. With easy-to-understand definitions of key terms, this guide is your first step toward becoming a lawn care expert. From 'Aeration' to 'Zoysia Grass,' we've got you covered, making it easier than ever to achieve that perfect green lawn you've always wanted!


Acidic Soil: This is soil with a pH level below 7. In such soil, certain nutrients may become less available to plants. To correct this, gardeners often add lime to increase the pH to a more suitable level for plant growth.

Aeration: This process involves creating small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the grass roots more effectively. It helps to reduce soil compaction, leading to a healthier and more robust lawn.

According to Marc Aveni and David Chalmers at Virginia Tech: "If in doubt about aeration, remove a square foot section of lawn at least 6 inches deep. If grass roots extend only into the first 1-2 inches, your soil may be compacted and could benefit from core aeration."

Amendment: An amendment is any material added to soil to improve its physical properties, like drainage, aeration, and structure. Common amendments include compost, peat, and perlite.

Alkaline Soil: Soil with a pH level above 7 is considered alkaline. This can cause nutrient deficiencies for plants, especially iron. To decrease the pH, gardeners typically add sulfur or other acidifying agents.

Annual Grasses: These are grasses that complete their entire life cycle—germination, growth, seed production, and death—in one year or growing season.

B Autumn leaves on grass Bentgrass: A fine-textured grass commonly used on golf course greens. It requires high levels of maintenance, including regular mowing and fertilization.

Bermuda Grass: A warm-season grass known for its durability and drought tolerance. It's widely used in warmer regions for lawns, sports fields, and golf courses.

Bluegrass (Kentucky): A cool-season grass favored for its fine texture and vibrant green color. It thrives in cooler climates but requires regular maintenance, such as frequent mowing and watering.

Broadcast Application: This is a method for evenly spreading materials like fertilizers, herbicides, or seeds over a large area, typically using a mechanical spreader.

Brown Patch: A lawn disease caused by a fungus, resulting in circular patches of brown, dead grass. It is most common in warm, humid conditions and can be controlled with proper lawn care and fungicide treatments.

Buffalograss: A drought-tolerant, warm-season grass native to the North American prairies. It's low-growing, requires minimal maintenance, and is ideal for low-traffic areas.


Carpetgrass: A coarse-textured, warm-season grass suitable for wet, acidic soils. It forms a dense, carpet-like turf, commonly used in low-maintenance lawns in the southeastern U.S.

Centipede Grass: A slow-growing, low-maintenance grass with a medium to coarse texture. Thrives in acidic soils and warm climates, and is known for its minimal fertilizer needs.

Compost: Organic matter that has been decomposed and recycled as a soil amendment. It enriches the soil with nutrients, improves its structure, and enhances overall plant health.

Cool Season Grass: Grass varieties that grow primarily in the cooler parts of the year, such as spring and fall. Examples include Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fescue.

Core Aeration: The process of mechanically removing small plugs of soil from the lawn. It reduces soil compaction, improves water infiltration, and encourages deeper root growth.

Crabgrass: An annual, invasive grass weed that grows rapidly in warm weather. It's known for its ability to outcompete desirable lawn grasses and can be difficult to control once established.

Cultivation: The act of preparing and working on the land to grow plants. Involves soil tilling, planting, and managing weeds and pests to create a conducive environment for plant growth.

D A couple of dandelions in the grass, a sign of spring Dandelion: A common, persistent weed with a yellow flower and a deep taproot. It can be difficult to control due to its ability to regrow from root remnants.

Deadhead: The practice of removing spent flowers from plants to encourage further blooming and to prevent seeding, which helps maintain a neat garden appearance.

Dethatching: The process of removing the layer of dead turfgrass tissue known as thatch. This helps improve water and nutrient penetration and overall lawn health.

Dollar Spot: A lawn fungal disease characterized by small, circular, silver-dollar-sized patches of dead or dying grass. It's common in lawns with poor moisture and nutrient management.

Dormancy: A period of reduced growth or inactivity in plants, typically occurring in response to adverse environmental conditions, like cold in winter or extreme heat in summer.

Drought Tolerance: The ability of a plant to withstand periods of low water availability. Drought-tolerant plants are essential for water-efficient landscaping.


Edging: The practice of creating a distinct boundary between different areas in a landscape, such as lawns and flower beds, often for aesthetic purposes or to prevent grass from invading garden areas.

Evergreen: Plants that retain their leaves or needles throughout the year, maintaining a green appearance. Common in both trees and shrubs, providing year-round color in landscapes.


Fairy Ring: A circular ring in lawns, often visible as a ring of mushrooms or a circle of darker green grass. It's caused by a type of fungus and can affect lawn appearance and health.

Fertilization: The process of adding nutrients to the soil to improve plant health and growth. Fertilizers can be organic or synthetic and provide essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Fertilizer Burn: Damage to plants caused by over-application of fertilizer, resulting in an excess of salts in the soil, which can lead to leaf burn and plant stress.

Fire Ants: Invasive, aggressive ants known for their painful stings. They can create large mounds in lawns, damaging grass and posing a hazard to people and pets.

Foliage: The collective leaves of a plant or group of plants. Often used to describe the appearance, health, or color of the leaves.

Foundation Plants: Plants used in landscaping near the foundation of a house. They help integrate the structure into the surrounding landscape and can provide aesthetic appeal.

Fungicide: A chemical product used to control fungal diseases in plants. Fungicides can be preventive or curative and are essential in managing many lawn and garden diseases.

G A sprinkler watering a lush green lawn Germination: The process by which a plant emerges from a seed and begins to grow. It marks the start of a plant's life cycle.

Granular: Refers to a dry, coarse, pellet-like form of fertilizers, pesticides, or other lawn and garden treatments. Granular products are spread mechanically and often have a slow-release property.

Grass Cycling: The practice of leaving grass clippings on the lawn after mowing. It returns nutrients to the soil, reducing the need for additional fertilizer.

Grass Seeds: Seeds used for growing new lawns or overseeding existing ones. They come in various species and blends, suitable for different climates and lawn conditions.

Grading: The process of leveling or shaping the land for landscaping or construction purposes. It's essential for proper drainage and aesthetic landscaping design.

Grassy Weeds: Weeds that resemble grass in appearance and growth habits. They compete with lawn grass for space, nutrients, and water.

Ground Cover: Low-growing plants that spread to cover the ground. They're used for erosion control, to cover bare soil, and to add visual interest to the landscape.

Grubs: The larval stage of certain beetles, including Japanese beetles and chafer grubs. They feed on grass roots and can cause significant damage to lawns.


Hardiness: Refers to a plant's ability to survive adverse weather conditions, such as cold or drought. It's often used to describe how well a plant can withstand winter temperatures in a specific region.

Hardiness Zones: Geographic areas defined by climatic conditions, particularly minimum winter temperatures. Plants are often rated by the zones in which they can survive.

Herbicide: A chemical substance used to control or kill unwanted plants (weeds). Herbicides come in selective (target specific plant types) and non-selective (kill all plants they contact) forms.

Hardscape: The non-living elements in landscaping, such as walkways, patios, walls, and other structures. These elements provide structure and organization to the landscape.

Hydroseeding/Hydromulching: A planting process that uses a slurry of seed, mulch, and water. It's sprayed over the ground for efficient, large-scale seed application, often used for erosion control and rapid lawn establishment.


Indigenous Plant: Plants native to a specific area, adapted to local environmental conditions. They generally require less maintenance compared to non-native species and are beneficial for local ecosystems.

Inorganic Fertilizers: Synthetic, chemically-processed fertilizers that provide essential nutrients to plants. While effective, they can contribute to soil and water pollution if not used responsibly.

Insecticide: Chemical substances used to kill or control insects. Essential for managing pests in lawns and gardens, they should be used judiciously to minimize environmental impact.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM): An eco-friendly approach to pest control that combines various strategies and practices, aiming to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides and promote sustainable solutions.

Invasive Plant: A non-native plant that spreads aggressively and disrupts local ecosystems. Invasive plants can outcompete native species for resources and alter habitats, often requiring management or removal.

Irrigation: The artificial application of water to assist in the growth of crops and maintenance of landscapes. Effective irrigation systems are vital in areas with limited rainfall.

Iron: A micronutrient important for plant health, especially in chlorophyll formation. Iron deficiency often leads to chlorosis, where leaves turn yellow due to inadequate chlorophyll.


Kentucky Bluegrass: A popular cool-season grass known for its fine texture and vibrant green color. It's widely used for lawns in cooler climates but requires regular maintenance.


Larva: The juvenile stage of insects, such as grubs, which can be detrimental to lawns by feeding on grass roots.

Leaf Spot: Plant disease marked by spots on leaves, usually caused by fungi or bacteria. Can lead to significant foliage damage if not treated.

Leaching: The process where water-soluble substances are washed out from soil, potentially depleting essential nutrients.

Lime: A soil amendment used to raise the pH of acidic soils, improving conditions for plant growth and nutrient uptake.

Liming: The act of applying lime to soil to correct acidity levels, fostering a better growing environment for plants.

Loam: A balanced soil mix containing sand, silt, and clay, ideal for gardening and agriculture due to its optimal nutrient retention and drainage properties.

M Lawn mower cutting grass on a lawn Macronutrients: Essential nutrients required in larger quantities by plants, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, crucial for overall plant health and development.

Micronutrients: Nutrients needed in smaller amounts than macronutrients but still vital for plant growth, such as iron, manganese, zinc, and copper.

Microorganisms: Small, often microscopic, organisms in soil that play a key role in decomposing organic matter and recycling nutrients, including bacteria, fungi, and protozoa.

Moss: Non-flowering plants forming dense green mats, often found in damp or shady areas. In lawns, moss growth can indicate underlying issues like compacted soil or excessive shade.

Mowing: The regular cutting of lawn grass to maintain a healthy, attractive appearance. Proper mowing practices are crucial for lawn health.


Native Grasses: Grass species naturally occurring in a region, adapted to local conditions, typically requiring less upkeep and providing ecological benefits.

Native Plant: Plants that are indigenous to a specific region or ecosystem, naturally adapted to local conditions and often requiring less care than non-native species.

Nitrogen: An essential macronutrient for plants, particularly important for leaf development and maintaining a healthy green color. It's a key component of chlorophyll and amino acids.

Non-selective Herbicide: Herbicides that kill or damage all types of plants they come into contact with, used for clearing vegetation from areas but requiring cautious application to avoid harming desired plants.

N-P-K: Stands for Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K), the three primary nutrients in fertilizers. Each of these plays a crucial role in plant health: Nitrogen for leaf growth, Phosphorus for root and flower development, and Potassium for overall plant health.

Nutrient Deficiency: Occurs when a plant lacks one or more of the essential nutrients it needs to grow properly, often leading to stunted growth, discoloration of leaves, and other health issues.

Nutrients: Substances that provide nourishment essential for plant growth and survival. Primary nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, but plants also require various micronutrients in smaller amounts.


Ornamentals: Plants grown primarily for decorative purposes in gardens and landscapes. They are valued for their aesthetic features like flowers, leaves, overall form, and color.

Overseeding: The practice of sowing new grass seed over an existing lawn. This helps to improve the density of the grass, fill in bare patches, and enhance the lawn's overall health and appearance.

Overwatering: The excessive application of water to plants, which can lead to a range of problems including root rot, nutrient leaching, and increased vulnerability to pests and diseases.


Pesticide: A chemical substance used to kill, repel, or control pests such as insects, weeds, and disease-causing organisms in gardens and landscapes.

Perennial: Plants that live for more than two years, typically blooming each season (spring, summer, or fall) after reaching maturity. They often require less maintenance than annual plants.

pH: A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of soil, on a scale of 0 to 14, where 7 is neutral. The pH level of soil can affect nutrient availability and overall plant health.

Phosphorous: An essential nutrient for plants, critical for root development, flower and fruit production, and overall energy transfer. It's a key element of DNA and RNA in plants.

Potassium: A vital nutrient that aids in various plant functions, including water absorption, enzyme activation, and the synthesis of proteins and starches.

Post-Emergent: Refers to herbicides applied after weeds have emerged from the soil. These are used to control existing weeds in a lawn or garden.

Pre-Emergent: Herbicides used to prevent weed seeds from germinating. They are typically applied before the growing season begins for effective weed control.

Pruning: The practice of trimming and cutting plants to remove dead or overgrown branches or stems, which promotes healthy growth and maintains the desired shape and size.


Quick-release Fertilizer: Fertilizers that are immediately available to plants, providing a rapid supply of nutrients. They often result in quicker green-up but may require more frequent application.


Red Thread: A lawn disease characterized by red or pinkish threads on grass blades, caused by a fungus. It typically appears in cool, moist conditions.

Reseeding: The process of adding new grass seed to an existing lawn to repair and improve its density and appearance, especially in areas with thin or bare patches.

Rhizomes: Underground stems of certain plants that grow horizontally, producing new roots and shoots. In grasses, rhizomes contribute to spreading and thickening the lawn.

Ryegrass: A genus of grasses, including both annual and perennial varieties. Known for quick germination and growth, ryegrass is often used in lawn mixes for its hardiness.

S A hand holding a small shovel, skillfully working the soil, revealing its moisture content, emphasizing the presence of soil moisture. Scalping: Cutting the lawn too short, which can stress the grass, expose the soil, and lead to problems like weed invasion and disease susceptibility.

Seeding: The act of sowing seeds, a fundamental practice in establishing a new lawn or garden, or in introducing new plants to an existing area.

Selective Herbicide: Herbicides designed to target specific types of plants or weeds, allowing for weed control without harming desired plant species.

Slow-release Fertilizer: Fertilizers that release nutrients over a longer period, providing a steady supply and reducing the risk of nutrient overload and runoff.

Sod: Grass and the part of the soil beneath it held together by the roots, often sold in rolls or squares and used for quick lawn establishment or repair.

Soil Test: An analysis of soil to determine nutrient content, composition, pH level, and other characteristics, crucial for informed soil management and plant care.

Soil Enrichment: The process of enhancing soil quality by adding organic matter or nutrients, improving its capacity to support healthy plant growth.

Soil pH: The level of acidity or alkalinity in the soil, a critical factor in nutrient availability and overall soil health, affecting plant growth and vitality.

St. Augustine Grass: A warm-season turfgrass known for its thick, carpet-like sod, shade tolerance, and ability to thrive in warm, coastal environments.

Stolon: Above-ground stems or runners that grow horizontally, producing new plants at the nodes. Stolons are common in many grass species and contribute to the spreading of the turf.

Sun Exposure: The amount of sunlight a plant receives, classified as full sun, partial sun, partial shade, or full shade, and crucial for plant health and growth.


Tall Fescue: A durable, cool-season grass known for its deep roots and tolerance to drought, heat, and shade. It's widely used in lawns and high-traffic areas for its robustness.

Thatch: A layer of organic material, including dead grass, leaves, and stems, that accumulates between the soil surface and the green vegetation of a lawn.

Topdressing: The application of a thin layer of material, such as compost or sand, over the surface of a lawn. It can improve soil quality and help level the ground.

Topsoil: The uppermost layer of soil, which is high in organic matter and nutrients. Topsoil is crucial for plant growth and is often used in gardens and landscaping.

Transition Zone: A climatic area where neither cool-season nor warm-season grasses dominate. In this zone, selecting the right type of grass is critical due to varying temperatures.

Transplant: The process of moving a plant from one location to another. Proper transplanting is essential for the survival and health of the plant in its new location.

Transplant Shock: Stress experienced by a plant after being moved. It can result in wilting, leaf drop, or slowed growth as the plant adjusts to its new environment.


Variegation: A characteristic of plant leaves that exhibit different colors or patterns, often seen as stripes, edges, or blotches. It adds visual interest to the landscape.

Verticutting: A lawn care technique that involves cutting into the thatch and soil to remove buildup and improve air and nutrient flow to the grass roots.


Warm Season Grass: Grasses that thrive in hot summer temperatures and typically go dormant during cooler months. Examples include Bermuda grass, St. Augustine grass, and Zoysia grass.

Weed and Feed: Lawn care products that combine a weed killer (herbicide) and a fertilizer. They are designed to nourish the lawn while controlling unwanted weeds.

Weed Control: The practice of managing and reducing the presence of weeds in lawns and gardens. Effective weed control involves a combination of cultural, mechanical, and chemical methods.

Wheatgrass: A variety of grasses, often grown for their seeds or young shoots, which are used in health foods and drinks. Not typically used in traditional lawn care.

Wilt: A condition in which plants lose their rigidity, typically due to insufficient water, resulting in drooping or curling leaves. Wilt can be a sign of watering issues or plant stress.


Zoysia Grass: A warm-season grass known for its dense, carpet-like growth and tolerance to heat and drought. Zoysia is popular for lawns in warmer climates for its fine texture and low maintenance requirements.